31 March 2005

Happy Easter!

Took a weekend trip with the host family and my wonderful friend Carrie.
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We're a STAR!

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Me and the host family

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Claire, Pierre, me, Carrie, Phillipe... but CHECK OUT THE COAST

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Carrie and I

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me, Carrie, Pierre, Claire... but look at the spray behind us. That was a wave hitting the rocks a good 15 or 20 feet below.

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Again, me and Carrie. ICE WATER, my friends. Ice water.

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But look at how it sparkles!

AND ALSO, earlier that day...

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... all victorious.

So there.

It was a great weekend. The coast was so beautiful, as you can see, and I just... it was good to be where I was, bonding with the family again, and Carrie too. Everything is going wonderfully for me, right now. I'm very... content. It's genuienely GOOD.

Still miss you though. Don't ever think I don't.

Until Next Time,
"The Visible, The Untrue"
by Hart Crane

Yes, I being
the terrible puppet of my dreams, shall
lavish this on you—
the dense mine of the orchid, split in two.
And the fingernails that cinch such
And what about the staunch neighbor tabulations,
with all their zest for doom?

I'm wearing badges
that cancel all your kindness. Forthright
I watch the silver Zeppelin
destroy the sky. To
stir your confidence?
To rouse what sanctions—?

The silver strophe... the canto
bright with myth ... Such
distances leap landward without
evil smile. And, as for me....

The window weight throbs in its blind
partition. To extinguish what I have of faith.
Yes, light. And it is always
always, always the eternal rainbow
And it is always the day, the farewell day unkind.

COUNTDOWN to return: 61 days!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!