28 February 2013

Singapore: a first dispatch

Hello from the sky. We're hanging somewhere over Canada at the moment. Can you imagine a flight path from New York to Taipei that loops up over the Great Lakes on its way to the North Pole? Feels like going home before pressing on.

I'm exhausted, keep yawning and blinking, but can't sleep. Predictable? The flight itself is nice enough so far (three and a half hours into the 16 hour trek). I have a row to myself, the seat is roomy and reclines far, all the recent releases (Argo, Lincoln, The Master) that I've been aching to see are at my fingertips (of course, my first choice was to watch Pitch Perfect for the 8th time -- #unashamed). 

In this moment, I feel surprisingly settled. The days prior to leaving, even today, were extremely hectic and darkened by a a cloud of unknowns. I shuttled from farewell to farewell, hearing the same questions ('what will you be doing?' 'when will you be back?') and having to face, over and over again, how little I know of what's to come. It remains an overwhelming prospect, but once I gave Kyle and Maisy one last hug and stepped into the car, I felt suddenly and tearfully expansive. The unknowns are on their way to being knowns. I've done absolutely all I can to prepare, and I have the support of the most wonderful people on the planet behind me. Lots of challenges to come, but with that kind of love, you can't really go wrong. You just can't.

So I reiterate: not a goodbye. We're more connected than ever. This is just the next chapter. 

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