08 December 2004

One vast conjugation of the verb TO SHINE

So, tomorrow I leave for BERLIN.

Right now I have more work that is humanly possible.

I have emailed Mark Doty. (my idol. Google him.)

I'm suspended in a state of anticipation so fierce, it is rivaled only by the last few days before my flight to France.

Is it snowing where you are?

It might never snow here.

Hopefully, I see some in Berlin.

The whole city is decorated for Christmas. Lights over every street, the big departments stores have beautiful, extravagent windows. It's festive.

Last night, Pierre and Claire and I decorated the Christmas Tree. It's really beautiful. Lights and tinsel and little santas and a Nativity scene. It's a perfect tree. I couldn't sleep last night, and so I came downstairs and turned on the garland and sat in the dark on the couch next to the tree and watched it glitter against the glass. Watching a christmas tree sparkle is almost like being home.


Joyeuses Fetes, everyone.

Until Next Time,
the rainbowed school
and it's acres of brilliant classrooms,
in which no verb is singular,

or every one is. How happy they seem
even on ice, to be together, selfless
which is the price of gleaming.
- Mark Doty, "A Display of Mackerel"

COUNTDOWN to Berlin: 1 day

COUNTDOWN to Christmas (/Italy): 17 days

COUNTDOWN to return: 175 days

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