21 September 2004

French Gymnasts

So let's examine the facts:

1 Two days ago, I fell into a river.

2 I've biked more in the past three days than I ever have in my life

3 I walk more in France than I ever have in my life

4 I did gymnastics yesterday for the first time in YEARS.

Add them all together, and what do you get? Madeline is:

10 times as sore as she thought humanly possibly in every place on her body.

So yeah, that's cool.

The gymnastics was fine, not exactly crazy amounts of fun, but it was familliar. Though it's messed up to translate moves like those into French in your head, and then try and remember them with your body. Let's just say, I can't do the things I could when I was 11.

I'm gonna try a dance class, and a trampoline class this week. We'll see which one works out.

So there you go.

Today, school, and homework, and I'm TIRED. Just moving takes wayyy more effort than normal.

UGH, and you can't take long showers in this country.

But there is lots of tea.

Anyways, I love you all.

Stay tuned.

Until Next Time, soursaulte!

COUNTDOWN to return: 255 days (thanks Bo)

PS: KatieMary, you're amazing! xoxoxo Kiss the babies for me, and keep updating!!!

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