10 September 2004

Stuck in Limbo

SO.... long story.

I'm gonna make it shorter.

I'm still in Boston. Our plane, which was delayed an hour in the first place, got severely messed up, and we ended up sitting in it on the runway for FOUR HOURS before they told us to high tail it to the nearest hotel, cuz WE WEREN'T GOING ANYWHERE.

Then we sat in the Logan airport for another two hours, schelping our MASSIVELY OVERWEIGHT SUITCASES here there and everywhere.

We stayed in an Embassy Suites last night, near Logan, and it's all fine. I've made friends, everyone is sweet and outgoing, for the most part. When I have more time, you'll get more information.

We have a flight to Paris tonight at 9 pm.

Hopefully, it'll get there.

So, cross your fingers for me.

Missing you.

Until Next Time, I'm in the waiting line.

COUNTDOWN to departure (again): 9 hours and 20 minutes

COUNTDOWN to return: 265 days

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